What is CAMONX test?
It is a novel test for prostate cancer. The test is based on measuring changes in the composition of prostate secretion or seminal fluid caused by the presence of cancer.
To establish prostate condition measured values of CAMONX biomarkers are combined into an index, which is indicative of disease.
How did we discover the tumor markers?
Cambridge Oncometrix has discovered and quantified a panel of substances (biomarkers) present in the prostatic gland, which change upon malignant transformation. A set of non-protein biomarkers has been identified by direct comparison of carefully characterised prostate tissue samples taken from:
• 35 healthy men
• 45 men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
• 60 men with Prostate Cancer
What is prostate-proximate fluid?
This term refers to the secretion of prostatic gland, which can be found in different sources - in the expressed prostatic secretion and ejaculate. Whereas the ejaculate could be produced at home and consequently analysed by a home test, prostatic secretions are taken for analysis by an urologist or GP.
When will CAMONX test be available?
Based on CAMONX markers Cambridge Oncometrix aims to develop two types of prostate cancer test: a non-invasive home test and a professional test to be used using a bench top analyser in a medical praxis or clinic. We believe that it will take about 3-5 years to finish clinical trials and obtain regulatory approvals.
What is the current status of test development?
Cambridge Oncometrix conducted a proof-of-concept clinical trial.
Can CAMONX test replace biopsy?
No. Needle biopsy remains the ‘gold standard’ diagnostic test for prostate cancer and will not be replaced by CAMONX test any time soon. However, once approved CAMONX test should be able to help you to decide whether or not to undergo the biopsy.
Can CAMONX test predict aggressive prostate cancer and its size?
It is unknown yet. There are some indications that there is a correlation between the CAMONX markers and aggressiveness of the tumor. We hope, our test will be able to identify who will benefit from the prostate cancer treatment.
Is the CAMONX test protected by a patent?
Cambridge Oncometrix has filed a patent application on 45 biomarkers of prostate cancer. Further patents are in preparation to cover specific designs of prophylactic and diagnostic devices.